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Integrating Interactive Elements into Your Video Wall

Integrating Interactive Elements into Your Video Wall

Trade shows are busy and bustling, with competitors vying for the attention of attendees. Without the help of powerful tools like interactive video walls, it can be challenging to captivate and attract trade show visitors. Thanks to interactive video walls, you can create an engaging, dynamic, and personalized experience for your visitors, enhance your business branding, and display interactive messages. Let’s look at some ways you can integrate interactive elements into your video walls.

Ideas for Interactive Walls

Interactive Games and Challenges

Incorporate fun, exciting challenges, quizzes, and games into your video walls. For example, you could feature a trivial game on the video wall where participants have to answer questions using touch screens. It’s a good idea to include some branded memory games or puzzles that are relevant to your specific brand or products and services.

Touch Screen Navigation

Let your visitors use your touch-screen video walls to navigate. Your screens can host maps or directories, which can be extremely helpful in assisting trade show visitors in finding their way around the event.

Personalized Content Displays

If you’re in the fashion industry, consider using your video walls to feature interactive fashion mirrors that suggest outfits based on user preferences. Personalized product recommendations based on user profiles are also some good examples of displays that you can include. Another example is including customized travel itineraries or destination suggestions if you’re in the tourism industry.

News or Other Information

Display a live ticker that features news or information that you have curated according to your industry. You can also integrate RSS feeds from various relevant sources, so you’ll have a constant stream of news being displayed.

Social Media Content

Turn your video walls into interactive social media walls that display user posts or photos at the trade show. Let your attendees share their experiences and photos, creating a live stream of visual content. You can also feature a live social media feed of trending topics at the event.

Future Trends and Innovations

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

In the near future, AR technology is poised to play an even bigger role in interactive video walls. AR technology can create immersive experiences by fusing physical and virtual realms, taking user engagement and memorable interactions yet another step higher.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With the help of AI algorithms, interactive video walls can create and display even more personalized and adaptive content. AI-powered video walls will be able to analyze user behavior and interactions, all in real-time. This will bring personalization even further and allow for greater possibilities with dynamic content adaption and targeted messaging.

Don’t Settle for Ordinary Displays When You Can Create Extraordinary Experiences

You don’t have to resort to ordinary displays for your trade show booth; that doesn’t really do anything to engage your visitors. Instead, use video walls and integrate interactive elements to create truly immersive and engaging experiences to attract visitors. If you want to learn how to embrace the power of interactive video walls for your trade shows, don’t hesitate to call us today.

Maximizing Your Trade Show Impact with Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

Maximizing Your Trade Show Impact with Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

Trade shows are significant avenues for businesses to showcase their products and services while trying to attract new clients. Inevitably, a combination of marketing strategies and audience engagement is integral to these trade shows. Today, with the help of large format cutting-edge video wall displays, businesses can easily create a stunning canvas for visual storytelling and create memorable experiences that will resonate with trade show attendees.

How To Use Video Wall Displays To Maximize Your Trade Show Impact

Create Stunning Visuals

With video wall displays, you can captivate the interest of attendees with an unparalleled level of visual impact, thanks to their advanced brightness and clarity. Compared to traditional displays, video walls today feature high-resolution screens that have no problems delivering vibrant colors and crisp images, helping your booth become a focal point in the busy trade show environment. With your compelling visual content, you can draw crowds from across the exhibit hall, enticing them to venture closer to have a look at your vivid and dynamic media content.

Enhance Brand Recognition

Video wall displays aren’t just about displaying your products and services. They are, in fact, potent tools to help enhance brand recognition through creative and spectacular visuals that draw attention to your branding. When utilized with a well-crafted strategy, your brand’s message and logo should become more powerfully imprinted in the minds of trade show attendees.

Display Dynamic Content

Cutting-edge video wall technology today allows you to showcase dynamic content, so you’re no longer limited to static posters or printed materials. Instead, LED video walls will enable you to display real-time updates and make changes to your visuals and messages as you please. This remarkable flexibility allows you to adapt to the trade show, ensuring that your displayed content stays relevant and engaging throughout the event.

Additionally, the ability to update content in real-time allows you to respond to your audience’s changing needs and interests. Whether you want to highlight a specific product feature, announce a special promotion on the day of the trade show, or share user-generated social media content, video walls provide the flexibility to pivot your messaging on the fly. This adaptability will help keep your booth buzzing with excitement and also demonstrates your brand’s commitment to delivering a tailored and engaging experience for each and every attendee.

Enhance Your Booth’s Layout

It’s essential to carefully consider the positioning and arrangement of your video wall displays. This is because you can use them strategically to create an immersive environment to captivate your booth visitors and guide them through your exhibit. Keep in mind that a well-designed layout will not only draw attention to your video walls but also ensure that they integrate and blend in well with your overall booth design, contributing to a cohesive experience.

Some businesses tend to position their video walls in high-traffic areas or near their booth entrances to create a strong first impression and draw attendees in. Also, remember to leave ample space all around your video walls for comfortable viewing and interaction so your visitors will be able to engage with your exhibits in a welcoming environment.

Stand Out From Your Competitors

Trade shows are busy environments full of businesses vying for the attention of attendees. With the help of video wall displays, you’ll be able to gain that competitive edge over other exhibitors.

While other businesses are still relying on traditional banners or printed brochures, your embracing of innovative video wall technology will help differentiate your business from your competitors. Video walls can demonstrate your commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, and attendees will be naturally drawn to exhibits that showcase the latest and most impressive technologies. When you leverage the power of video walls, you’re effectively creating a buzz around your booth and generating curiosity.

Elevate Your Business With Cutting-Edge Video Wall Displays

When it comes to the fiercely competitive nature of trade shows, it’s crucial to step up your game and set your business apart from the sea of static exhibits. While your competitors are struggling to capture attention with outdated methods, let your booth become an immersive and interactive experience that leaves a lasting impression on attendees. This competitive edge not only increases foot traffic to your booth but also enhances brand recognition after the trade show concludes. Call GSE Audiovisual Inc. today to learn more about renting the latest video wall displays to boost the visibility of your trade show booth.

The Evolution of Video Walls in Trade Show Exhibitions

When it comes to trade show exhibitions, capturing the attention of attendees and effectively conveying brand messages is crucial. Among the various tools and technologies used by exhibitors, LED video walls have emerged as a powerful and transformative element. Let’s explore the evolution of video walls in trade show exhibitions, tracing their journey from the early days of adoption to the cutting-edge installations we see today.

Early Adoption of Video Walls

Video walls first appeared in trade show exhibitions during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Early adopters back then recognized the potential of these large, multi-screen displays to attract attention and create a lasting impression on attendees.

At first, exhibitors began incorporating video walls into their booth designs to showcase product demos, promotional videos, and brand content. The sheer size and novelty of these installations made them stand out on the crowded trade show floor, drawing curious visitors to the booths.

However, the initial adoption of video walls in trade show exhibitions had its limitations. The technology was still in its early stages, and the costs associated at that point were substantial. Additionally, extensive technical expertise was required just to set up and operate these systems, making it extremely challenging for many exhibitors to incorporate video walls into their displays.

Advancements in Video Wall TechnologyOver the years, significant advancements in display technology have made video walls more attractive and practical for use in trade show exhibitions.

Higher resolution: One of the most notable improvements has been the increase in display resolution. Modern video wall screens offer full HD (1920×1080 pixels) or even 4K (3840×2160 pixels) resolution, resulting in stunningly clear and detailed images. A higher resolution means exhibitors can showcase their content with exceptional visual quality, capturing the attention of attendees and effectively conveying their message.

Improved color accuracy and contrast: Advancements in display technology have also led to better color accuracy and contrast ratios. New video wall screens can display a wider range of colors with greater precision, ensuring that the content looks vibrant and true-to-life. Improved contrast ratios enable deeper blacks and brighter whites, enhancing the overall visual impact of the video wall.

Thinner bezels: Thinner bezels create a more seamless and immersive viewing experience, as the gaps between the screens become less noticeable. With this advancement comes the creation of larger, more cohesive video walls that can captivate audiences.

Introduction of LED technology: LED video walls provide superior brightness, making them ideal for use in well-lit trade show environments. They also offer wider viewing angles, ensuring that the content remains visible and vibrant from various positions within the exhibition hall.

Impact of Video Walls on Trade Show Exhibitions

Increased Visitor Engagement and Interaction

Video walls will take your exhibition up a notch by grabbing the attention of trade show attendees and getting them excited about what you have to offer. With video walls, you can create an experience that’s not just visually stunning but also incredibly interactive.

Imagine being able to reach out and touch the screen, using your fingers to explore products or navigate through information. Or imagine using gestures to control the content, as you swipe and point your way through the presentation.

It’s this level of interactivity that really sets video walls apart and makes them such a powerful tool for exhibitors. By getting attendees actively involved in the experience, you’re not just telling them about your brand – you’re letting them become a part of it.

Enhanced Brand Visibility

The sheer size and visual impact of video walls make them an excellent tool for enhancing brand visibility and awareness at trade shows. The sheer size and visual wow-factor of these screens allow exhibitors to really make their mark. You can use them to prominently display your logo, brand colors, and key messaging, creating a bold, attention-grabbing presence that sets you apart from the competition.

Improved Product Demonstrations and Presentations

Video walls have completely changed the game when it comes to showcasing products and services at trade shows. Gone are the days of boring, static displays – now, exhibitors can create demos that are not only visually incredible but also extremely informative. Imagine being able to see every little detail of a product, thanks to the crystal-clear, high-resolution screens. And with the ability to manage and customize content, the possibilities are endless!

Exhibitors can now use video walls to create presentations that are engaging on a whole new level. These days, the technology can be used to display detailed graphics that jump out at you, 3D renderings that make you feel like you can reach out and touch the product, and interactive elements that get attendees involved and excited.

Embrace The Power of Video Walls For Your Trade Show Exhibition

As more exhibitors adopt video wall technology, the overall trade show landscape inevitably becomes more visually dynamic and interactive. Video walls contribute to creating a sense of excitement and innovation, attracting more attendees and elevating the perceived value of the event. The increased engagement, enhanced brand visibility, improved product demonstrations, and creation of immersive experiences collectively contribute to the success and effectiveness of trade show exhibitions today. Call us today to learn more about renting and setting up video walls to make your trade show even more successful!

renting av tech

Why is Renting AV Equipment is the Best Choice Instead of Buying

Perhaps you have a big conference coming up, or you want to amplify your business presentations. Maybe you have an event that would make more of an impact with a large screen projection. No matter the reason, you’re looking into using some professional AV equipment to boost your business. AV equipment can be expensive, so is it really worth buying & shipping it, it rather than just renting it?

Why is Renting AV Equipment is the Best Choice Instead of Buying

If you’re still debating on what you should do, take a look at these reasons why you should consider Orlando AV rental

You Don’t Specialize in AV 

One of the biggest reasons to rent AV equipment, instead of buying it, is that you don’t have to worry about the technical stuff. An AV equipment rental company provides you with technicians to set up the equipment, and help you design your presentation. Far too many people think that running AV equipment is as easy as operating their smart TV, and it’s nowhere near that easy. 

Naturally, some AV equipment is easier to work with, and some is much harder. With that said, do you really want to waste time and energy trying to get it to work? Aside from just working with the digital aspect, there’s also a lot of wiring and figuring out connections. If you’re not an AV specialist, this can be a huge hassle, distracting you from your overall objective. 

Save Money 

Renting AV equipment is far less costly than buying it outright. Chances are, you won’t be using AV equipment often enough to justify the investment in buying it. Renting gives you a more cost effective option to showcase special events.

Aside from saving on the equipment price, you also don’t have to worry about paying for repairs if something happens to the gear over time, nor will you have to worry about storing it. It’s the AV rental company that foots the bill for regular repairs and maintenance. As an added bonus, most AV companies don’t expect you to transport the equipment, which would be an added cost on its own.

Not only that, if you have to transport your own AV equipment, there’s a constant risk of damage. If it’s not packaged entirely securely, you can lose a huge investment because of a pothole or a bump in the road. AV rental companies take the monetary loss out of your equation. They know how to get equipment to your venue without risking damage or theft. 

Get Up-to-Date Equipment

These days, technology makes even the newest devices practically obsolete in no time at all. If you purchase your own AV setup, you’ll have to replace it with a newer model sooner than you imagine. 

Renting AV equipment means that you can still get top of the line projection and display gear, without investing in new technology. If you buy your own, it can be hard to justify another costly purchase to get a better setup, especially if your old one still works. 

How many times have you purchased a new smartphone or computer, only to have the latest version come out months later? AV equipment is like any other technology, and it’s evolving just as quickly. It’s the AV rental company’s job to have the newest and best equipment, so let them invest in it, while you rent it out when needed. 

Frequency of Use

Another big thing to consider when you look at renting vs buying AV equipment is how often you’ll need it. Unless you use it on a regular basis, buying it is more expensive than is justified. 

If you’re still debating, look at the price of buying an entire setup, versus renting it a few times a year. 


Renting AV equipment is undoubtedly a safer and more inexpensive choice for most companies. You end up saving time, money, and a lot of hassle. Not only that, you get the best equipment, with the technical support you need to make it work for you. Consider all the hassle that maintaining, transporting, storing and operating your own AV equipment would require. When you add that to the equation, the answer is simple: renting is far better. 

av technology for event

AV Technology That Will Transform Your Event Venue

While people usually go to events for the content, the actual audio-visual technology presentation can make a big difference between a successful event and a forgettable one. Here are some examples of how AV technology will transform your event venue, and get people talking about it for years to come.

LED Walls

LED (light-emitting diode) technology has come a long way. Engineers have gone beyond the historical application of LEDs from simple lighting to visual displays. Due to their relatively low cost and ease to manufacture, LED displays can be integrated in almost any surface. Here are some examples of LED surfaces that can be used in an event. 


Imagine entering an event venue and being greeted with an entire wall that bursts to life with beautiful imagery and visuals – this is the excitement an LED wall can bring to an event venue. 

You’ve probably seen organized events where the entire backdrop of the main stage is one giant LED wall. LED walls are so beneficial because they can easily transform a venue – it only takes a click of a button to change an entire wall. 


LED arches have also been used more and more for events. While entire LED walls await attendees inside, LED arches are often situated at the main entrance. GSE AV stocks BeMatrix and Aluvision LED tiles which are used to implement these arches.  Arches are essential pieces for the event because they are one of the first things that greet participants into the events. 


Although rare, having LED displays on the ceiling will surely be something to talk about for years to come. Having an LED ceiling will give organizers a plethora of options and ways to impress their participants. Having people look up at LED ceilings will give them that sense of wonder and excitement that will truly make an impression. GSE AV stocks BeMatrix and Aluvision LED tiles which are used to implement these ceilings.

Touch Kiosks

Companies often use touch kiosks to engage their event attendees while increasing brand awareness. It’s a simple and effective way to interact with guests, offer interactive visuals or even serve a practical purpose like allowing guests to fill in a contact form to leave their details.


Compared to VR and LED surfaces, projectors may seem old school. However, they’re still around for a reason. Projectors still remain as one of the easiest ways to display visuals on a flat surface. Event organizers really just have to choose between two types of projectors: a rear projector or a front projector, and budget would depend on choice between Laser or DLP projection technology.

Front vs Rear Projector

Front projectors are the types that people are more familiar with – they are the projectors people put in front of a wall or a screen. These are generally easy to set up and manage.

Rear projection are projectors situated behind the screen. This means that the venue has to have a dedicated physical space for a rear projection to even be an option. Rear projection is essential as people on stage don’t have to worry about their shadows being cast behind them with a rear projector. 


These are just a few of the several technological integrations organizers can utilize to help improve the impact and success of their events. These days, event organizers have plenty to choose from and the different combinations of these pieces of technology will benefit the event altogether. For more information about AV rental in Orlando, contact us today!

How LED Solutions Get You Noticed

Dazzle your intended audience with a creatively designed custom LED solution kit, including panels and light strips. The right lighting can attract attention while making graphics and visual aids appear sharper and making them pop.

In a trade show, you are in competition with others who are all seeking the attention of the same types of users. This means you really need to pack a punch to command attention and direct it to you. An easy way to do that is by installing LED solutions. 

How LED Solutions Get You Noticed

LED solutions are eye catching, head turning technology that draw attention. Both aesthetics and infrastructure are attractive in trade show environments and elsewhere.

To understand why LED solutions are so noteworthy, let’s look deeper into what they bring to the table.

First Things First – Why LED?

LED wall structures are preferred over LCD, fluorescent, and incandescent displays for many technical reasons that all boil down to the fact that LED simply looks better and lasts longer. These LED panels are thin and lightweight and will not damage walls or structures due to weight.

LEDs can offer a variety of ads that you can expand even further with proper software. For example, LEDs can show dynamic animations and moving messages. Color gradients, flashing, and fading features are crystal clear and bright. Additional software and hardware can increase the range of what you are capable of producing and showing.

Customizable Panels

Make LED panels fit your needs and aesthetics by purchasing multiple tiles and placing them however you want. This customizability allows you to bring to life the creation you want without being stifled by a single flat, boring flat screen.

Light boxes add drama and dimension to your display and are easy to create by placing one of the LED tiles inside an enclosure. Frames and skins can be custom created and are easy to install. These frames can be incorporated however you see fit, either as part of a booth design or by themselves.

Impact and wow factor go up as you get more creative with your tiles and incorporate the tile design and what you are showing on the screens for maximum cohesiveness and attractiveness.

Curved Panels

One of the neatest aspects of these LED panels is that not all of them are the plain flat design that we are so accustomed to seeing. Convex and concave tiles are available and you can use them to really amp up the wow factor. Use these as a centerpiece for your display, especially concave tiles that boost immersion by curving outward towards the viewer.

Dazzle from Above

In line with creating a cohesive theme and overall appearance that includes what you are showing on screen, you can also place these tiles up high. Suspending these from the ceiling or mounting them to a wall increase your visual range and can attract people from a further distance. Eye catching and flashy animations help catch and keep visitor attention. This is an easy way for you to lead visitors directly to you.

Size and Shape Variety

Be creative with the placement of these tiles. Feel free to draw up ideas and do not be afraid to try something new and innovative. While a large multi-paneled display will catch attention, a unique setup can be even more impressive.

One panel can show video footage while a larger setup can show presentation screens that point out important information. Depending on what your business is, these panels can be used to guide customers to sales, showcase knowledge, or even replay advertisements.

LED Strips

Flashy designs are almost guaranteed to bring attention to you, but you can accent those wall panels with LED light stripes. These can line the floors, walls, and even curve around corners and displays for maximum appeal. 

Tips for LED Solutions 

Whether you are doing a trade show or just using these around your place of business, there are some tips that will help you create the most attractive design.

Money Savings

Since LEDs are so durable and long lasting, they honestly do save money in the long term even though the initial investment might be costlier. These lights are energy efficient and can last 25 times longer than other lighting types, like incandescent lighting.

LED Stem Lights

LED strips and stem lights add extra dazzle and flair to your wall while really bringing your posters and other ads to light – pun intended.

LED stem lights are known as wall washers since they will wash a wall in a bath of clear, bright lighting. They do not generate heat and won’t damage paint or graphics that they are illuminating.

Create an Experience

You want to do more than dazzle and awe with a pretty showcase of lighting and flashy screens. You want to create an immersive user experience so they will walk away remembering you. Do not get carried away with color-changing lights. Instead be subtle about color with slow fades and placement where you want focus to be drawn.


Powerful showcases are memorable and all about the experience that you offer your users. A brilliant display of lights and LED panels can inform, impress, and ensure that your business is something users walk away remembering.

You want to create an experience that makes them feel like they are worth dazzling, and these grand displays of flashy information are the best way to make that happen.

What Does a Video Wall Controller Do?

Video walls are becoming increasingly popular in a large variety of areas. Whether it is a news broadcast, sporting event, art show or political event, the use of a video wall greatly improves the visuals provided. But it is important to use video walls properly to best get your image or message across. 

Rather than rely on a simple one screen design, or a video scaler that online changes the size of the image, you can go with a video wall controller. This will provide you with many more options, and a greater overall product.

Classifications of a Video Wall Controller

There are several different models to choose from when it comes to video wall controllers. But there are three main classifications that all controllers fall into.

Proprietary Hardware

The original option, and the most common, proprietary hardware controllers work with fixed inputs and outputs. This option comes with pre existing settings that have already been tested and configured to work with your system. This means that they come ready to use for a specific capacity and for specific uses.

While this is the most common option, it is also one of the most stressful for users because they have to stick with the predetermined number of inputs and outputs provided. To change that requires you to buy a whole new system. You also have to rely on repair teams if something goes wrong and their schedule for when it can be fixed. This option cannot be scaled as well.

Processor That Connects Over Network

One of the newest options that is quickly gaining popularity is the network-based processor. This method also utilizes a PC, but does not require video cards to turn them into a processor. You connect over a network, so there is no need to worry about whether or not the software is compatible. This makes it incredibly versatile and great for on the go needs.

Using Your PC

Instead of relying on hardware, you can also consider using video cards to control your video wall. While this method is only compatible with PCs, you can use any PC that matches up to a video card. You can then essentially turn your PC into a video wall processor, no matter what the location is. This method does come with a higher upfront cost, but is easy to transport and use.

What Does a Video Wall Controller Do?

Video wall controllers are often confused with video scalers. This is because they both play a vital role in projecting an image on multiple screens, but have very different capabilities. A scaler can only increase an image and essentially blow it up to fit on multiple screens, rather than just one. But beyond the size, a scaler has no other way of controlling an image.

A video wall controller is able to provide a scaling feature as a control option, but can do so much else.

Control Multiple Images

Rather than only being able to adjust the size of one image like a scaler, video wall controllers allow you to incorporate many images. This means you can include images, videos, charts and any other visuals that will help get your point across. You can get as complex or simple as you want, and can help you to create a professional looking product quickly and efficiently.

Improve the Image

With scalers you can often end up with slightly blurry images when they are enlarged. Video wall controllers can increase the quality of the image, as well as adjust the resolution. This means you get a much clearer image and a greater visual display overall.

You can also control the display further with specialized graphic cards. This includes things like higher video input performance, increasing the number of displays available, or even eliminating bezels. 

Bezels are the frame on the outside of the monitor that creates a blocked off image. By removing the bezels, you are able to place an image over multiple screens without the lines chopping it up. You can also blur the lines between monitors to blend them all together and create an image that looks seamless.

Adjust Quickly

Depending on what model of video wall controller you go with you may end up with a remote to quickly change the visual. Others will be controlled via the PC to determine what images are being placed where.


Video wall controllers are an incredibly versatile and helpful tool to have when using video walls. From scaling up the image onto multiple screens, to creating your own layout with multiple images arranged on screens, you have the power to make it your own. No matter how large or small the project is, go with a video wall controller to guarantee you are getting what you want and that your message is clear.

Benefit of Video Walls in Trade Show Booths

Trade shows can be very competitive. Chances are, you spend a large portion of your marketing efforts to creating the most successful trade show booth possible. If you haven’t seen a video wall yet, you’ll certainly know when you do. These displays provide the best clarity, highest vibrance, and most attractive displays within any trade show. The best way to make use of one? Incorporate it into your booth, before your competitors do. 

Benefits of Video Walls in Trade Show Booths

Why should you consider adding a video wall in your next trade show booth? Here are some of the biggest benefits:


Video walls are incredibly versatile. In the past, it may have been more difficult to use a video wall. However, with today’s technology, video walls provide endless possibilities. They can easily be customized to show off your latest projects. Likewise, you can tailor the displays to event specific themes. 

Then, when the next trade show comes, you can easily change your display to fit. There are different size options available to fit any trade show booth setup too. If you choose to rent a video wall display, it’s even easier to modify the size to match how much booth or display space you have at each show. 

Increased Visibility

Using a projector screen often makes it difficult for visitors to see your display, whether they’re faraway, or nearby. Even high definition television screens present difficulties at trade shows. A video wall uses the most up to date display technology. 

The images projected are so clear and crisp, that your display is easily viewed, no matter where onlookers are. Not only that, the lighting technology they use is incredibly bright. It creates an instant ‘stand out’ effect, no matter how many other booths are participating in the trade show. 

Because visibility is such a huge part of attracting an audience, your marketing efforts are much less intensive, while you’re getting much better results. 

Effortless Mobility

Trade shows are known to take a lot of effort when it comes to setting up your booth. Between all the different marketing and visual displays, you have a lot on your hands. You might be thinking, the better the display, the more it requires, right? Fortunately, that isn’t the case with video walls. Yes, they do still need to be set up, but it requires significantly less work than you might imagine. 

Simply preload your desired images before the event, pack it up, put it in your display area, power it on, and you’re ready to go. They’re also significantly less bulky than other booth marketing options you could try to  get the same amount of attention.

Elevation from Competitors

Every business has a major competitor. Every business wants to rise above, and get a bigger draw than their competitors do, especially at trade shows. With a high quality video wall, you give onlookers a direct route to your booth.

Without a video wall, it’s hard for anyone else to garner the attention that your business does. At trade shows, it’s all about drawing a crowd and converting, and that’s where the best visual marketing gets you far ahead of anyone else.  

Video Walls Content Tips to Make Your Trade Show Booth Stand Out

Keep it Brief

If you haven’t used video walls before, you need to remember they’re much different than TV screens. Yes, they are captivating. However, people simply won’t watch a display lasting several minutes, no matter how good it looks. Brevity is the soul of wit, and video walls. Keep any video content long enough to attract attention and make your point, but no longer than necessary. 

Think About Your Message

It’s great to have your brand or message on your visual displays. However, video walls are much larger than your biggest tv screen, and certainly your computer screen. Having a message appear too large when visitors are close to your display makes it unreadable. Too small, and you can’t attract visitors from across the room. Use the size of your video wall to determine your text length and size, not just what you see on your computer.

Pay Attention to Details

Just like text can quickly become obscured, so can images and videos. Yes, video walls provide extreme clarity. Unfortunately, poor resolution matching can undo even the highest clarity in the world. Like with text, don’t base your visual displays on the preview you see on your computer monitor. 

Adjust your preview options if needed. That way you can see exactly how your images will look, on the video wall. There’s nothing worse than putting hard work into a display just to find it’s unusable at the trade show. Pay attention to details, and don’t skimp previewing it. 


When used properly, video walls are one of the most effective, attention grabbing items you can bring to a trade show. Just remember to pay attention to screen resolution. After that, all you have to do is put it up. Then, watch the visitors start flocking to your booth.

Video Walls

All About Video Walls

Video walls are used in universities, businesses, and personal use across the globe. These multi-unit visual displays are capable of putting out a lot of information in a huge way. Whether you are wanting one for advertising purposes or one to show high-resolution videos, there is an ideal setup for you.

All you need to do is know your goals with the video wall and understand what equipment you are going to need to purchase.  

What is a Video Wall?

A video wall is a display panel that can be mounted on the wall. These video walls can be made up of several panels. For those who want a regular television sized screen for their wall, that is possible with using one unit. However, if you combine several panels together, they will work as one cohesive unit. This means that you can have a video playing on your wall that is up to the size of your wall.

There are a few different types of video walls. Some are made with different materials, like LED or LCD.

LCD panels are layers of liquid crystals. These displays are unable to produce their own light and therefore must have backlights behind the glass for illumination.

LED displays are light-emitted diodes that are a semiconductor light source. These screens create light of their own, as opposed to LCD panels. LEDs are ideal for indoor and outdoor use and maintain high-resolution visuals in either. They consume less power and require less maintenance than LCD screens as well.

 How Much Does It Cost?

Video walls are highly customized designs that are tailored to each individual consumer and the area of installation. Because of this large variety, the price will depend on a range of different factors.

Screen type and the display size will obviously greatly impact the cost of the video wall that you want to have installed. The design of the screen, curved or flat, will also factor into those costs. As you get deeper into the requirements that you need, keep in mind that video processing requirements and the complexity of the installation will drive costs as well.

Professional installation is a must for these complex walls and how you want them installed matters. They can be free standing, wall mounted, or even mounted to the ceiling.

Overall, most companies will budget anywhere from $50K to $350K for the purchase and installation of their video wall design. The best bet is to shop around and get quotes while keeping quality of service in mind.

What to Consider Before Installing Video Walls

Before you get too excited about immersing yourself into a video the size of your wall, there are a few things that you should consider before investing in such a system. The biggest considerations, of course, are your goals for the wall. Keep those goals in mind as you go through these considerations. 

Location of the Video Wall

While it would be great if we could just slap a video wall in a room and call it a day, there are some factors that need to be addressed to ensure maximum usability of your video wall. The space that you install the panels in can impact the quality of the display when in use.

Windows and natural light in the room affect the visual display by the way the screens emit light and retaliate that light to the ambient light in the room. Eye strain can occur when the display is so dim that it makes it difficult for the viewer to see. This can be combated with a high-density brightness display since it will not be affected by the surrounding light from the windows. This also works for those who are using their video wall outdoors.

The distance from the video wall to the viewer also makes a difference. For instance, if your video wall is placed high up on the wall, you may want to consider getting a bigger video wall so that the viewers will not have difficulty seeing a small screen.

For video walls that are closer to the viewer, the P3 display setting will help with the pixel pitch of the video display. This works for those who are at a maximum of 3-meters from the screens.


Aesthetics are obviously important if you are buying a video wall, so professional or precision installation is ideal. Attractive screens that are centered perfectly on the wall can attract attention even if the initial content does not reel them in – at first.

Type of Footage

Like most televisions, video walls come in all sorts of screen types. If you are going to be playing videos or HD content, then this needs to be factored into your decision making. This will affect which back-end software and accessories you need as well.

If presentations are a major component of what you will be showing, then you need to make sure that the software supports presentation-building.


If multiple users are granted access to operating the wall, then you will need to get software that supports a multi-user workflow. This is especially true in office environments where, even if there is only one sole user, others should have access just in case.

Advanced Graphics

Displaying ultra-high resolution content requires specifications on the controller and a supporting engine that features 3D accelerated graphics.


Video walls and their uses can get quite complex. This brings us back to the importance of knowing your goals with the video wall before you start shopping. The controller will need to match your unit and the amount of required inputs and outputs that you need.


Video walls are a cutting-edge technology that allow you to bring attention to your business in a visually aesthetic way. Your message is bound to be memorable when it is displayed on a wall in high-tech LED technology that commands attention. Why wait? Get a consultation to get the details worked out ASAP, so you can have a futuristic visual display of your own.

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5 Ways to Make Your Video Walls Work

Introduced to the modern world decades ago, video walls have truly changed the way that electronic information is presented. Video walls are available in various technologies and can be used for everything from business conferences and educational settings to showcasing new products. 

There are a few best practices to consider when using video walls, and a few ways that you can ensure to make the most of your video wall setup.

5 Ways to Make Your Video Walls Work

Consider the importance of interactivity

Interactive video walls attract more attention than their non-interactive counterparts. Interactivity can be added into virtually any video wall in several different ways. You could use a touch display or set up a smartphone app that allows you to enhance the content. 

This enhancement should be based on the type of content displayed on your video wall. You may choose to display a demonstration, a social media feed, static images, or various audio-visual features. An interactive display that showcases the right enhancement is not only going to be visually appealing, but can also bolster the success of the given campaign due to its unique qualities. 

Take note of size and space

Anytime you install something, size is a factor. How much space do you have to work with? How big are the things being installed? Both of these questions should be kept in mind when deciding on and setting up a video wall. If you have a large space, you may want to opt for as few video panels as possible, which will reduce the amount of bezel lines present but also comes at a steep price. 

If you have a small space, just one or two panels may do the job, or you might choose to simply deal with various bezel lines in favor of paying a lower overall cost. 

It could also be beneficial to your space to play around with the position of your video wall. You could try out portrait instead of landscape mode, or even create your own unique angles. 

Make a plan for mounting

Video mounts come in all shapes and sizes. Before setting up your expensive video wall, you’ll need to know exactly how you’re going to mount your display. Without this knowledge beforehand, you could land up in a tub of hot water and headache. 

If you’re using a wall mount system, you’ll want to ensure that there is enough space around the video wall for its hot air to rise. If your video wall is going to be set flush into the wall, you’ll need to make sure there is an active cooling system in place to prevent overheating; this often means having extra space behind the display where fans and other mechanisms can be placed. 

Keep content short and sweet

The most effective video wall content is short and can be viewed (in its entirety) within a matter of a few minutes. People tend to grow bored when something is long and takes a dedication of time to watch. If your content is short, you’re more likely to have those walking by or just stopping in to stop and take a few minutes to watch whatever is on your screen if it interests them.

Be mindful of text size 

Both font and text size are important when it comes to creating a unified, cohesive video wall that captures its maximum potential audience. Text font should be simple; there is no need for fancy textures, shadowing, or highlights. Text size should be in line with the pixel patch used for your video wall. 

Make the Best Out of Your Video Walls

Understanding business goals 

If you’re planning on using a video wall, the simplest way to make sure you’re getting the most out of it is by understanding your business goals. Figure out how the video wall will change your business and decide on a set of concrete goals. 

Get familiar with video wall related terms 

The world of video walls comes with a handful of direct terms. You should work towards understanding these terms before attempting to utilize the video wall. Acquaint yourself with terms like pixel pitch, viewing distance, and screen resolution. 

Don’t be afraid to bring in the professionals 

Video walls are complicated. They can be hard to set up and even harder to maintain. If you’re unsure of your own abilities, don’t hesitate to bring in a professional for a helping hand. 


When done right, video walls are an asset to any business or organization. They look great and serve a function, making them both visually appealing and practical. When utilizing a video wall of your own, keep the above tips in mind to ensure that your wall is as successful as it possibly can be.

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