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Why is Renting AV Equipment is the Best Choice Instead of Buying

Perhaps you have a big conference coming up, or you want to amplify your business presentations. Maybe you have an event that would make more of an impact with a large screen projection. No matter the reason, you’re looking into using some professional AV equipment to boost your business. AV equipment can be expensive, so is it really worth buying & shipping it, it rather than just renting it?

Why is Renting AV Equipment is the Best Choice Instead of Buying

If you’re still debating on what you should do, take a look at these reasons why you should consider Orlando AV rental

You Don’t Specialize in AV 

One of the biggest reasons to rent AV equipment, instead of buying it, is that you don’t have to worry about the technical stuff. An AV equipment rental company provides you with technicians to set up the equipment, and help you design your presentation. Far too many people think that running AV equipment is as easy as operating their smart TV, and it’s nowhere near that easy. 

Naturally, some AV equipment is easier to work with, and some is much harder. With that said, do you really want to waste time and energy trying to get it to work? Aside from just working with the digital aspect, there’s also a lot of wiring and figuring out connections. If you’re not an AV specialist, this can be a huge hassle, distracting you from your overall objective. 

Save Money 

Renting AV equipment is far less costly than buying it outright. Chances are, you won’t be using AV equipment often enough to justify the investment in buying it. Renting gives you a more cost effective option to showcase special events.

Aside from saving on the equipment price, you also don’t have to worry about paying for repairs if something happens to the gear over time, nor will you have to worry about storing it. It’s the AV rental company that foots the bill for regular repairs and maintenance. As an added bonus, most AV companies don’t expect you to transport the equipment, which would be an added cost on its own.

Not only that, if you have to transport your own AV equipment, there’s a constant risk of damage. If it’s not packaged entirely securely, you can lose a huge investment because of a pothole or a bump in the road. AV rental companies take the monetary loss out of your equation. They know how to get equipment to your venue without risking damage or theft. 

Get Up-to-Date Equipment

These days, technology makes even the newest devices practically obsolete in no time at all. If you purchase your own AV setup, you’ll have to replace it with a newer model sooner than you imagine. 

Renting AV equipment means that you can still get top of the line projection and display gear, without investing in new technology. If you buy your own, it can be hard to justify another costly purchase to get a better setup, especially if your old one still works. 

How many times have you purchased a new smartphone or computer, only to have the latest version come out months later? AV equipment is like any other technology, and it’s evolving just as quickly. It’s the AV rental company’s job to have the newest and best equipment, so let them invest in it, while you rent it out when needed. 

Frequency of Use

Another big thing to consider when you look at renting vs buying AV equipment is how often you’ll need it. Unless you use it on a regular basis, buying it is more expensive than is justified. 

If you’re still debating, look at the price of buying an entire setup, versus renting it a few times a year. 


Renting AV equipment is undoubtedly a safer and more inexpensive choice for most companies. You end up saving time, money, and a lot of hassle. Not only that, you get the best equipment, with the technical support you need to make it work for you. Consider all the hassle that maintaining, transporting, storing and operating your own AV equipment would require. When you add that to the equation, the answer is simple: renting is far better.